After the Great Spectral War ended and the demons were dealt with, Spectralvania and it's inhabitants experienced great prosperity, at the cost of the fauna in the area. For example, the Spectralian Ibex. Known for its long neck to reach food in trees and duel tails common of the Shaungulate family, the Spectralian Ibex also grew massive horns. Those horns became very valuable to poachers, and the Ibex was hunted heavily for them. They became so hunted, in fact, that eventually there was one 1 left, Bongoat. Beloved by the patrons of the Spectralvania Zoo, Bongoat lived a semi-happy life until a Dentist mistook the zoo for a wildlife reserve and stole her horns, taking her life with them. The incident eventually led to Trophy Hunting being banned in Spectralvania, but Bongoat never had the chance to experience it. That is, until her taxidermied body (that was being used as a stand for percussion instruments at the Spectralvania music store) was discovered and resurrected by Peeyache and Zlumburr. A tad dazed, the first thing Bongoat felt upon waking up was a desire for the rest of her horns back. Zlumburr said he knew who took them (he didn't.), so she joined the Exterminals in their effort.