Some people in this world look like works of art. Lavalugg-Glugg takes this a bit too seriously. To increase the diversity of the Art Institute of Spectralvania's collections, Poultergates commissioned Bugalkin to design a sculpture to put in front of the building. He decided on making a statue based off of the thought to be extinct Dinocheerius, a close relative of the also thought to be extinct Igneosaurus. After some artistic embellishments, including replacing its shell with a lava-lamp, the statue was ready for display! It was a big hit at the museum, with Poultergates even eventually allowing small, gross little children to crawl on it like a jungle gym. Well, that is, until it mysteriously disappeared one day. Nobody quite knows for sure what happened to it, but some blue fur and a corrosive yellow substance were found at the crime scene.