The Lore... (all lore here subject to change)

  • Psyclaunt - Sophia Spoctor, Little girl
  • Poultergates - William Spoctor, Psyclaunt's Dad
  • Angellegna - Angella Spoctor, Psyclaunt's Mom
  • Whimslow - Wyatt Wuffeltom, scientist, drowns in hair due to experiment gone wrong
  • Bachtopus - A toy piano that Psyclaunt wanted very badly but she never figured out how to play it, so she gets really sad
  • Barbeerd - 3 snakes that got fused together in the portal
  • Bugalkin - Psyclaunts cat
  • Fluggles - The portal to the spectral world slowly collected bacteria because bacteria covers everything, and the bacteria collect together into Fluggles, Whimslow sneezes into the portal and the sneeze pushes the giant mass into the spectral world
  • Jelliton - A blanket with a jellyfish design on it that Psyclaunt used to carry around everywhere when she was very young. she was eating jello one day and spilled it all over the blanket, leaving a permanent stain on it (unknown if still canon)
  • Phant-O-Fant - Psyclaunt watched a youtube video of an elephant shrew, and she pestered poultergates to buy an elephant shrew to keep as a pet. he ended up buying it and named it Clarence. Clarance was really scared of people, so when psyclaunt opened its cage, it got scared, ran out, ran down to the basement, and jumped into the portal.
  • Grayskare - 3 robbers break into Poultergates's mansion and try to steal the portal but gets sucked into it

    Poultergates, Psyclaunt, Bugalkin, Whimslow, and Angellegna all existed in the human world. Poultergates is a rich billionaire, Angellegna is his wife, Psyclaunt is his daughter, and Whimslow works for him. Whimslow creates a machine that can open portals to other dimensions in hopes of completely changing the scientific understanding of the universe. Poultergates sees this as a perfect opportunity to make a lot of money with the machine so he decides to help. To test the machine, they throw random objects like trumpets and snakes into the portal, and even their family cat to see what happened. After throwing them in and seeing them go to the other side, they declared the portal a success (even though they forgot to realize that nothing can come back) and get ready to show it off to the world. Poultergate’s Daughter, however, became very curious of the portal and began going down to the portal more and more, until one fateful day, when she got sucked in to the portal. Another problem with the portal was that It completely deforms and changes whatever goes in and even tends to fuse with whatever else has went in. Upon going into the portal she gets ripped apart and forms back into a ghost-like form and gets shot into the spectral world. Upon discovering what happened to his daughter, Poultergates falls into a deep depression, eventually even cheating on his wife with 4 other women. His wife catches him in the act and gets absolutely furious, a contrast to her usually soft and quiet personality. She murders all five of them and threw there bodies in the basement, where the portal is. The portal opens after Poultergates hits it while Angellegna throws his body down, and this allows Psyclaunt to reach into the portal but not fully leave. She can just barely reach her father and thinks that he is coming in to play with her, so she drags him and his mistresses into the portal, they ball is deformed into Poultergates and the melodettes, now stuck in the portal.


    Psyclaunt finds Bugalkin, her old pet cat, in the spectral world, with the ability and love of building. Her, Bugalkin, and Eventually Poultergates decide to build a home for them all to live in, and that home eventually becomes a hotel for monsters. One day, a homeless rock monster who got kicked out of his home in cavernous cove comes and brings with him his pet, a small ball of fur. Eventually the small ball of fur and Psyclaunt befriend and become best friends. Eventually everyone else on haunted heights comes to the hotel and lives there, from 2 comedians to a dead snail killed by a familiar rock golem to an Italian chef. One of these monsters was Zlumburr, a selfish monsters who leaches off of everyone without helping out with the weekly music concert everyone plays in. Eventually he gets kicked out because everyone hates him so much, and gets replaced with Glimmini, an alien who wants to learn about the spectral world and learn how to help with music. At the end of Haunted Island, Psyclaunt and Pufflu, who ever playing together outside, get lured away by Lucifork, who was actually sent out by Angellegna in devilish depths so she could spend time with her daughter. Upon finding out, Poultergates sends out Bugalkin, Cauwbelsa, Phant-O-Fant, Bachtopus, and Whimslow to find them.


    In the spectral world, all the people who are rejected by society are called "demons" and are outcasted away from the rest of the spectrals, and the way the demons interact with the other elements drives the plot forward. Devilish Depths is a bastion where all of the demon elements reside becuse if they leave they would be attacked as the spectrals remain fearful of them. Lucifork has never seen the outside world and is taught to hate them by the rest of the monsters in the depths. He is taken care of by Angellegna, filling the hole in her heart left by never seeing psyclaunt. Angellegna Finds out about Haunted Heights and sees this as an opportunity to get psyclaunt. She sends out lucifork equipped with a magical trident to protect himself with. Lucifork finds psyclaunt and pufflu playing outside Haunted Heights and brings them to devilish depths. He initially hates them, but grows to love them over time, but he still pretends to hate them. After reaching the depths, pufflu and psyclaunt are scared of the demons, but lucifork shows them that they arent evil. The spectrals who were sent by poultergates go through the same thing, learning that the demons are just misunderstood. Eventually, after not coming back, Poultergates sends out Titemite, Snalagool, JelliTan, Glockopod, and Barbeerd to go find them. They all hate the demons for various different reasons so they dont listen to the other demons and try to take psyclaunt and pufflu away from angellegna. This eventually causes her to transform into her angered form and starts destroying the depths, to the point that the entirety of the depths is completely evacuated and the entrance is caved in, trapping the demons at the surface. all of the monsters get arrested by elebront, the local sheriff, for "disturbing the peace" (it was really because he hates all demons and considered all of the other monsters sympathizers) and they are all put in Brass Barracks, a mass security prison...


    All of the the monsters present during angellegnas destruction of the depths are arrested, except for Pufflu, Whimslow & Angellegna, who are hidden under rubble. When elebront leaves, pufflu escapes from the rubble. Eventually, Whimslow uses the rubble to build the cavernous cruiser, and formulates a plan to save everyone with pufflu (Pufflu doesn’t really help much he’s a baby) Meanwhile back at brass barracks, everyone is sent to their prison cells. There are 4 monsters that have already been there: Dadpole, Fluggles, Turnabass, and Seelsteal. They all tried escaping Devilish Depths and were caught, but seelsteal has secretly been building a lab in his solitary confinement prison cell and formulating a plan to escape prison. His initial plan was to create a bunch of new monsters himself, use them to overwelm Elebront, take his keys, open every prison cell, and escape that way, but the massive influx of prisoners caused by angellegna's rampage defeated the purpose of making any new monsters. He only ever got to making one new monster anyway: Peeyache. He managed to do it by extracting dna from an existing monster (Dadpole, which is why hes in the tank), and using the dna mixed with goo in the tank and pouring it into a robotic exoskeleton and electrofying it to create a living being (the Acid element comes from DeoxyRibo Nucleic ACID). Due to the corrosive abilities of Peeyache's juices, seelsteal successfully escaped and used peeyache as a distraction to make elebront inspect what was running around on 1 wheel in a prison while secretly stealing the keys in his office. Elebront, not realizing what happened, takes a nap. Peeyache slowly learns that he is just being used as a vehicle to escape prison and will be discarded afterwards, so he grows hateful...


    The demon elements, not being civilized like the Spectrals were, were attacked for being “savages”, they fought back, and soon enough full scale war broke out. This war, called the Spectro-Demonic War, goes on for 20 years. Despite being “savages” the demons show incredible ingenuity and quickly become just as civilized as the Spectrals in this time. While the Spectrals use mostly magic and weapons, the demons used mostly their own strength and powers to fight back. In the end, over 20,000,000 creatures in total were killed on both sides, and the demons surrendered to the Spectrals. The Spectrals, being angered and disgusted with the demons, banished them to a deep chasm in the ground, later being named Devilish Depths. The chasm leads down to the deep infernal core of the planet that melted the Chasm Islanders long ago, but the Demons were able to survive and actually thrived in the high temperatures found there. Many demons escaped from the mass banishment and built homes in Cavernous Cove.
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